COVID Lies and Propaganda | podcast

covid propaganda
Art attribute of girl in mask:

We continue the COVID saga this time exposing its propaganda. The CDC recently backed off its guidelines and also updated its stats using numbers of confirmed COVID cases specifically. Reduced greatly from the stated 153,000 to only 9,210. We will look at the propaganda of fabricated numbers and possible threats to the truther community to come. Also masks as a way to strip us of our identity and control the masses with an imagery of fear. Is it working?

Listen to “COVID Lies and Propaganda” on Spreaker.

The CDC has issued updated stats in which reduced the reported deaths due to COVID. The data collected ONLY cases where the listed cause of death had COVID listed with no other contributing factors, and did not regard lists of “with COVID”. These stats at least reflect a more reasonable number without including inflammatory muddy records that States use to overstate the issue for political and monetary gain.

Faulty test diagnosis – PCR tests were not designed to prove existing flu, only if antibodies present indicating the body was fighting off some infection. According to Kary Mullis, inventor of the PCR tests, PCR tests should never be used as a tool in “the diagnosis of infectious diseases.” The tests are invalid and unscientific.

People getting multiple tests at once hoping one comes up positive.

Faulty tests were never corrected. Even tests without a subject submitted came back positive.


5 Corporations with Elite banking interests run the stream of information to ALL mainstream media sources. How unbiased could it be?

Media used to be investigative journalism of privately-owned sources. Now fed by Rothschild Reuters and AP, the official narrative is the only acceptable one, and the practice is no longer investigative, but activist journalism with regular briefings for coinciding with the official narrative. CIA Operation Mockingbird made a pact between media and Intel agencies.

Manipulative figures highly over-exaggerating cases without accountability. No challenge by mainstream media or those who regard it as the truthful source. The figures are arbitrary, the facts manipulated to fit the official narrative model, discrediting those questioning the official narrative.

Check this article on propaganda and COVID.

Notices have been given by Facebook, YouTube, Twitter censoring all info NOT contributing to the official narrative as false or Fake. Warnings going up, Facebook announcing after September it will tighten its algorithms against posts contrasting the official narrative.


NY as well as other States have proposed bills to restrict dissenters. The bills may monitor citizens and put them on a registry for compliance, while weeding out and marking those not compliant as a DANGER TO SOCIETY. It will give the State enforcement to DETAIN those deemed a harmful health threat and require them collected and contained. This is proof we have discovered in NYS legislation that tends to be a precedence to other States.

NY Assembly Bill A6564C – child over 14 vaccine without permission

NY Bill A099– Allows FORCED vaccination and medical treatment requiring DETAINMENT of individuals who are PERCEIVED health threats.

A6847 Reports all vaccination of adults 19 and up to a registry.

We also see where a vaccine mandate is possible.

Europe is rising against the pandemic.


Several hints in society reveal someones knew this was coming.

The 2012 Olympic opening ceremony is very scary with doctors and nurses emphasizing masks wheeling hospital beds into the arena with patients terrified as flu creatures hover over.

Rockefeller Lockstep 2010 defines plans for wearing masks in a pandemic.

Several drills practices just prior to the actual pandemic.

Seems that these elements of conforming change with conformity to will is the definition of magick.

Psychological Effects

Reports that Lockdowns and result of the illusion are deadlier than the pandemic itself.

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