NY Governor Andrew Cuomo has boasted of his progress for Reproductive Rights allowing abortion right up to full term. In honor of his decision, he lit up the building at One World Plaza, site of the Trade Center, in celebration. He is celebrating this as a victory. But is God judging this as an evil? We discuss paganism in America and the modern version of the offering of child sacrifice.
The pridefulness of Andrew Cuomo is examined, as well as the NYS legislation to make this decision. While it is excused as an emergency procedure up until the birth of the child, we know how these legislations can have loopholes for excuse upon the rights of the woman to be performed.
As it is, this is not being promoted as an emergency leniency by the Governor, but as a step towards “Reproductive Rights” and the choice of women in a victory for Women Rights, rather than women health.
The writing of the legislation seems to allow the practitioner to perform an abortion upon any condition. So we await the result as to where this leads.
This episode explored the issue of abortion, as well as how God views the child in the womb, and the right for man to determine AFTER the fact if a child should be allowed to be birthed into the world. The baby is a living person having a unique and individual brain and heart, body parts, and features of a human being. So where is the cutoff deciding if this baby in the womb should be allowed to live?
We encourage anyone considering this option of abortion to consult a truly rational counselor to help with your decision-making, to avoid Planned Parenthood failure, and to allow the baby that is growing inside you to live. It is not your choice to allow or disallow the baby to come to life now because of the consequences of your choice to have sex, but your decision to have an unwanted pregnancy should have been decided upon sexual promiscuity and preventive measures. Choose life for the baby, even if you choose to give the baby up for adoption.
The case of forced sex (rape) is a more sensitive issue and we do not make a judgment based on that complicated issue. But most of the abortion choices were the result of consensual sex and could have been prevented prior.