Alex Jones Ban, Psyops and Controlled Opposition | podcast

Alex Jones banned

Is Alex Jones a victim of censorship of truthers? Or is it some sort of false flag to condition us, and further divide and synchronize truthers to the conditioning, and render us paralyzed? Alex Jones seems to have given us much inside information and research. However he is also suspected of being a controlled opposition of the Elite by some in the Truther Community, only allowed to go just so with his information to control its conclusion. In this episode we analyze the message of the ban and discuss what really may be going on here. And what we know about how the Elite control the situation. Could we all be next?

Some people regard Alex Jones as an authentic voice of warning and exposing. We see how he could possibly have been used to control the narrative for the opposition. This is the basis of what we call “Controlled Opposition.” It means no disrespect to those who use his information, and he does lead us to the sources, however, his conclusion may be altered, which is what we challenge.

Alex Jones banned from social media and his YouTube channel was taken down.

What does Alex Jones know and how far does he go with his information?

Can the Elite use Alex Jones?

Why did they close down his account?

His mannerism and behavior seems very off and programmed. we wonder if he is “triggered.”

What conclusion does his material lead to? Do they lead us to the true Elite culprits or does Jones fall short and divert us to the facade to smokescreen us?

The Silent Civil War.

We examine what the Elite may use someone like Alex Jones for, and how they can control through mechanisms. What can we do about it?

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