Attack on Free Speech With New Bill In the Name of Hate, Civil War in the Making | podcast

new bill shuts mouth

A new bill H.R. 6090 attempts to make it a hate crime to oppose Jews, Israel, Zionism, or the cause in the Middle East. You can’t have an opinion on whether you don’t support Israel and your free speech will be criminalized by this bill that just went to the Senate for a vote.

Listen to “Attack on Free Speech With New Bill In the Name of Hate, Civil War in the Making” on Spreaker.

I make the point that Zionism is a political movement for the establishment of Israel as a State. Christian Zionists support this Israel in which practices Kabbalah, stands for Judaism, Talmudic law, Noahide Law that loathe Jesus. Just making a point.

We are not discriminatory – nor antisemitic against Jews, We just don’t like the actions of Israel and the political cause. That is different than attacking a race or accusing a people of something just because their government or affiliations are taking this action.


Here is bill H.R. 6090

The Lew Rockwell article Israel Relocates to Washington DC

Speech by Alex Jones audio used.

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