Reports came out about Israel housing a secret facility known as a “Black Site” where it holds and tortures prisoners. These prisoners said to be associates of Hamas and the terrorist organizations actually prove that it could detain Palestinians, as well as medical staff that have NO affiliation with Hamas, and in some cases are opposed to the terrorist groups. Yet Israeli Intel still incarcerated these individuals for the grievances against the Israeli cause.
Listen to “Black Site Torture Camp in Israel” on Spreaker.
The more recent site came after reveal of a previous site dubbed Camp 1391 or Unit 1391 or Facility 1391. The Israel Defense Forces prison camp in northern Israel designated for “high-risk” prisoners had only been exposed to the public after 2003, and most information about it remains classified.
Israeli officials claim the camp is no longer used since 2006 to detain or interrogate suspects, but several petitions filed to the Israeli Supreme Court by the CAT to examine the facility have been rejected. The Israeli Supreme Court also refused to allow an inquiry of the alleged abuses, declaring that Israeli authorities had acted reasonably in not conducting investigations into allegations of torture, ill-treatment and poor detention conditions of detainees. The CAT responded to this by asserting that secret detention centers are per se a breach of the United Nations Convention Against Torture, concluding that the state “should ensure that no one is detained in any secret detention facility under its control in the future” and that Israel “should investigate and disclose the existence of any other such facility and the authority under which it has been established. It should ensure that all allegations of torture and ill-treatment by detainees in Facility 1391 be impartially investigated, the results made public, and any perpetrators responsible for breaches of the Convention be held accountable.”
A new site called Sde Teiman has been made known thanks to CNN. Yes, the Liberal mainstream news source exposed this camp that not only detains and tortures what they consider terrorist threat, but also individuals opposing the atrocities of Israel. They are put under extreme torture that has nothing to do with interrogation, but revenge. Israel officials claim they are phasing out this camp, but do you believe them?