2025 Agenda and the Progress of Agenda 2030

2025 Agenda and the Progress of Agenda 2030

January 4, 2025 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Agenda 21 began after the Rio Earth Summit in 1992 proposed by Maurice Strong for environmentalism under the United Nations. He was a Luciferian Theosophist member of the Golden Dawn, but that is another story. Since 2015 the United Nations has proposed the 2030 Agenda giving the goal a target [READ MORE]

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When Celebrities Proclaim Jesus

January 13, 2024 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Recently we heard a few reports of famous people proclaiming a dedication to Jesus Christ. Kat Von D announced she is now on fire for Jesus when interviewed by Christians. Some question the authenticity of her conversion since she was involved in Satanic themes. However, one’s past does not exempt [READ MORE]

Weather Modification by the Elite | podcast

Weather Modification by the Elite | podcast

December 31, 2022 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Weather patterns have been changing. Where once was warm has turned to a winter tundra. What is affecting this? We have proof that man-made weather modification projects have been taking place for a while, and suspect that the Elite programs affect the atmosphere. Man tampering with nature is not a [READ MORE]

Breaking Through Chemtrails | podcast

Breaking Through Chemtrails | podcast

August 6, 2018 Jim Duke Perspective 0

The suspicion of “Chemtrails” has been a phenomenon for several decades now as our skies become unusually saturated with emissions of trailing contrails from planes that do not seem to dissipate as normal exhaust. These trails are forming strange cloud patterns and show signs of ripples of sound waves and [READ MORE]

Weather Manipulation and Man-Made Storms

Weather Manipulation and Man-Made Storms

September 2, 2017 Jim Duke Perspective 0

A question arises of weather manipulation and man-made storms as evidence of patents and experiments have been revealed. The devastation in Texas is a tragedy and our hearts go out to those who have been traumatized. The weather can take horrific turns and cause havoc that we cannot control. This [READ MORE]