Dismantling the Old System for the New

Dismantling the Old System for the New

March 15, 2025 Jim Duke Perspective 0

The Elite build our civilization, but now they seem to want to dismantle it. They built an industrial revolution to grow technology now they use it to increase technocracy into a digital revolution. We express how they use Trump, Elon, and the system to have it implode so that it [READ MORE]

8 Conspiracy Theories The Media Admits Are True

8 Conspiracy Theories The Media Admits Are True

February 22, 2025 Jim Duke Perspective 0

The media often downplay our charges of conspiracy and ridicule those who bring it up as “Conspiracy Theorists.” That term is a derogatory label to attempt to discredit the alternative claim. However, some conspiracies cannot be denied even by the media. Listen to “8 Conspiracy Theories The Media Admits Are [READ MORE]

How To Identify a Psyops

How To Identify a Psyops

February 15, 2025 Jim Duke Perspective 0

This article shares practical identities of spotting a psyops upon any public event that occurs. This list was compiled from the NCI report distributed online and shown on YouTube. Listen to “How to Identify a Psyops” on Spreaker. “Psyops” is short for Psychological Operation in which a carefully planned scenario [READ MORE]

Elon Musk Operation Trojan Horse

Elon Musk Operation Trojan Horse

January 25, 2025 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Trump is depicted as the knight riding in on a white horse. His partner Elon Musk is a anti-establishment hero rescuing society from censorship and banishment of the Elite. Yet something is peculiar. Elon made his fortune with innovation of software and investment in technology that has contracts with the [READ MORE]

2025 Agenda and the Progress of Agenda 2030

2025 Agenda and the Progress of Agenda 2030

January 4, 2025 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Agenda 21 began after the Rio Earth Summit in 1992 proposed by Maurice Strong for environmentalism under the United Nations. He was a Luciferian Theosophist member of the Golden Dawn, but that is another story. Since 2015 the United Nations has proposed the 2030 Agenda giving the goal a target [READ MORE]

Dark Roles of the CIA

Dark Roles of the CIA

December 14, 2024 Jim Duke Perspective 0

The CIA have the reputation of being a devious nefarious suspicious agency. They launch campaigns trying to clean up their act, but instead we just continue to get suspicious. Do we have reason? Listen to “Dark Roles of the CIA” on Spreaker. Originally founded to continue after the OSS to [READ MORE]

Operation Paperclip Into MK Ultra

Operation Paperclip Into MK Ultra

December 7, 2024 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Operation Paperclip was a United States government recruitment of Nazi scientists for the purpose of using their expertise of human experiments so the U.S. under the CIA could continue testing live humans. These scientists under Hitler would do evil experiments on live humans and test their results of when the [READ MORE]

Weaponizing Society With Words and Info

Weaponizing Society With Words and Info

November 23, 2024 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Our own words are used to weaponize society. The Liberals have confiscated meaning to alternative suggestions that has put others into chaos if not keeping up with it. Words are used in political correctness to polarize us and divide society keeping us at war with one another while the Elite [READ MORE]

Dark World Of New Age Occult Practices

Dark World Of New Age Occult Practices

October 26, 2024 Jim Duke Perspective 0

What goes on behind the scenes of the occult? We may never know because it is “occult.” That means “hidden.” Another word for it is esoteric. Those in esoteric circles tend to be enticed by being included in secrecy. It attracts that mindset. New Age as well as witchcraft have [READ MORE]

Behind the Bohemian Grove

Behind the Bohemian Grove

September 7, 2024 Jim Duke Perspective 0

A secret group gather in the Redwoods of California. The members include prestige leaders of society, artists, entertainers, and media Elite. They attend the Bohemian Grove for a time of letting loose and getting down with each other. Some say unspoken things go on behind the scenes. Listen to “Behind [READ MORE]

Illuminati Playing Cards Predict Events

Illuminati Playing Cards Predict Events

August 17, 2024 Jim Duke Perspective 0

The Illuminati Card game by Steve Jackson stirs up the conspiracy theories when the cards seem to hit almost exact to details of real life events. The cards were meant for tongue-in-cheek depiction of conspiracy theories with the infamous Illuminati in mind based on likely scenarios that would happen under [READ MORE]