Elon Musk Operation Trojan Horse

Elon Musk Operation Trojan Horse

January 25, 2025 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Trump is depicted as the knight riding in on a white horse. His partner Elon Musk is a anti-establishment hero rescuing society from censorship and banishment of the Elite. Yet something is peculiar. Elon made his fortune with innovation of software and investment in technology that has contracts with the [READ MORE]

Will A.I. Take Over Humanity? | podcast

Will A.I. Take Over Humanity? | podcast

June 15, 2024 Jim Duke Perspective 0

A.I. advancement increases as many of our functions utilize in some way digital technology. A.I. reads and collects data from all digital sources to make evaluations, calculations, and determined scenarios for the purpose of what it was developed. However, many fear that AI will become sentient and develop its own [READ MORE]

Alien Disclosure in Congress

Alien Disclosure in Congress

August 5, 2023 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Congress has been going through hearings debating the disclosure of what government knows about aliens and UAPs. The case is led by David Grusch, former Intelligence Officer who came out to bring this forward. Several witnesses in the military have come forth as witnesses to admit their experiences when they [READ MORE]

AI Technology Taking Over

AI Technology Taking Over

July 29, 2023 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Reports of food shortages threaten our society. We wonder if it is a true shortage or if Elite have sabataged our supplies. FBI spying on citizens using data providers. Is AI going too far? Listen to “Food Shortage / FBI Spying / AI Technology Taking Over” on Spreaker. On my [READ MORE]

Who Owns Your DNA? | podcast

Who Owns Your DNA? | podcast

May 27, 2023 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Your DNA has possibly been bought and sold by investment companies. Ancestry and 23 and Me who collect your DNA for geneology are companies that have been sold in the stock market. Does this mean the CEO’s of these companies have interest in your DNA or is there some other [READ MORE]

Project Blue Beam: Fact or Fiction? | podcast

Project Blue Beam: Fact or Fiction? | podcast

December 10, 2022 Jim Duke Perspective 0

In the conspiracy world an assumed government program called Project Blue Beam is suspected of being responsible for many happenings in the world via laser satellite technology. It has been assumed this program exists. However, when looking into it I find nothing documented to such a program and that even [READ MORE]

Facts About the Vaccine That Cannot Be Denied

Facts About the Vaccine That Cannot Be Denied

October 16, 2021 Jim Duke Perspective 0

POLITICAL AGENTS, VAX PROMOTERS, SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORMS, etc ALL NEED TO READ THIS. THE FACTS ARE HERE YOU CANNOT DENY, NOR FLAG AS DISINFORMATION Just from the facts we know it is questionable enough (sources listed below article): The vaccine is mandated (almost universally) covering up the suspicions, censoring our [READ MORE]

Pfizer Unethical Approval | podcast

Pfizer Unethical Approval | podcast

September 11, 2021 Jim Duke Perspective 0

In this episode we gather information on the risks of the vaccine and what Pfizer, and government, are not telling us. Pfizer was allowed to omit certain ingredients from public report and also not thoroughly conduct studies showing toxicity in their product. Listen to “Pfizer Unethical Approval” on Spreaker. Researchers [READ MORE]

Transhumanism and the Future | podcast

Transhumanism and the Future | podcast

June 12, 2021 Jim Duke Perspective 0

In this episode we discuss the transformation of humans in a biological/technological fusion to a new creature. We identify transhumanism and explain the definition of what the developers plan, if it is ehtical, and what the end game intended. Is this a modern Nazi Eugenic program? Vaccinations play a role [READ MORE]