Weaponizing Society With Words and Info

Weaponizing Society With Words and Info

November 23, 2024 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Our own words are used to weaponize society. The Liberals have confiscated meaning to alternative suggestions that has put others into chaos if not keeping up with it. Words are used in political correctness to polarize us and divide society keeping us at war with one another while the Elite [READ MORE]

War On God’s Creation

War On God’s Creation | podcast

June 29, 2024 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Activists have taken on many causes. Some petition for restrictions of certain foods, environment causes, LGBTQrst rights, and others on corrective speech. While these concerns seem merely emotional responses, there seems to be a pattern that attacks the very creation of God. It appears more to me that they are [READ MORE]

Black Site Torture Camp in Israel

Black Site Torture Camp in Israel | podcast

June 8, 2024 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Reports came out about Israel housing a secret facility known as a “Black Site” where it holds and tortures prisoners. These prisoners said to be associates of Hamas and the terrorist organizations actually prove that it could detain Palestinians, as well as medical staff that have NO affiliation with Hamas, [READ MORE]

Cyber Attack Blackout Coming?

Cyber Attack Blackout Coming? | podcast

April 27, 2024 Jim Duke Perspective 0

We have been getting warnings of an imminent cyber attack from China or Russia or who knows where. They claim the grid will go down resulting in a major blackout and millions will die. Listen to “Cyber Attack Blackout Coming?” on Spreaker. Now I don’t know if its that dramatic, [READ MORE]

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The New Generation Great Depression

February 11, 2024 Jim Duke Perspective 0

You know inflation is hitting us. An article just released that Americans are in more debt than ever before and drowning in keeping afloat for regular needed expenses. Despite that prices of goods continue to rise. You can say it is due to war, due to economic stress, due to [READ MORE]

AI Technology Taking Over

AI Technology Taking Over

July 29, 2023 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Reports of food shortages threaten our society. We wonder if it is a true shortage or if Elite have sabataged our supplies. FBI spying on citizens using data providers. Is AI going too far? Listen to “Food Shortage / FBI Spying / AI Technology Taking Over” on Spreaker. On my [READ MORE]

Collapse of the Industrialized Civilization

Collapse of the Industrialized Civilization

July 15, 2023 Jim Duke Perspective 0

The Elite make statements that they want to collapse the Industrialized civilization, but is that truly what they desire? The Industrial Revolution in the 1800s until now has developed into manufacturing, surely they don’t wish to send us back to the stone age. But what they may actually mean is [READ MORE]

Plans for Another Pandemic 2023? | podcast

Plans for Another Pandemic 2023? | podcast

January 7, 2023 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Another exercise may be in the works for hint of a pandemic that could soon occur. October 23, 2022 in Belgium several health advisors; such as John Hopkins University, WHO, and Bill Gates, got together for “Catastrophic Contagion”, an exercise that went over a scenario for yet another possible pandemic. [READ MORE]

The Ugly Truth Behind BLM | podcast

The Ugly Truth Behind BLM | podcast

November 19, 2022 Jim Duke Perspective 0

My friends Julius Rhinehart and Bare Hayes explain the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement and their nefarious intent. We expose their evil agenda. Listen to “The Ugly Truth Behind BLM” on Spreaker. We found that the founders are trained Marxists, relating the agenda to their occult interests. But the agenda [READ MORE]

Deliver Us From Evil | podcast

Deliver Us From Evil | podcast

November 6, 2022 Jim Duke Perspective 0

What does it mean to “deliver us from evil?” Can we be scared to death? Hollywood glamorizes evil images and we seem to like it. We enjoy the hour; the shock. The opening of evil desensitizes us to dabble in things that oppose God. So is evil something scary, or [READ MORE]