This article shares practical identities of spotting a psyops upon any public event that occurs. This list was compiled from the NCI report distributed online and shown on YouTube.
Listen to “How to Identify a Psyops” on Spreaker.
“Psyops” is short for Psychological Operation in which a carefully planned scenario is constructed to create a reality for people to follow that isn’t necessarily reasonable. But by using emotional and psychological diversion, can lead you from the actual important matter. By diverting you elsewhere through these tactics you are less engaged to question the official narrative and pick out the inconsistencies that would bring to question the event. Some of these events take advantage of focus, while others are orchestrated by the conspiracists to divert you from something, like magic slight-of-hand.
Considered “Engineered reality…”
Emotional response overwhelms the rational reasoning.
Insisting on action.
1. The Fate Model
2. Question Novelty
Our brains react to sudden or unusual changes because it signals treats or opportunity.
3. Look for Multiple Focus
When all the media focuses on the same thing and use the same narrative to present a focus away from an investigative examination or takes the emphasis from independent sources looking deeper into the facts.
4. Identify Cognitive Dissonance Weapons.
Cognitive dissonance occurs when new information clashes with our identity or previous beliefs. Your brain aligns your behavior to reduce that internal conflict.
5. Emotional Scripts
Trigger response like fear of loss, social rejection.
6. Follow the Money
Identify trail of beneficiaries. Who is connected, who is benefited reveals the motive.
7. Analyze the Context Boundary
Context identifies what is permissible.
8. Spot the use of archtypes
Psyops takes advantage of our impression of heroes and villians and saviors.
9. Evaluate the frame
A. Expectation, B. Belief, C. Perception, D. Definition, E. Information Suppression
10. Be alert to rapid compliance Shifts
Psyops create urgency to drive rapid compliance. Emotional appeals, staged group behaviors, false consensus.
11. Study the timing of the events
Why is it happening now?
Ten ways to train yourself.
1. Appeal to Emotion
Emotions to bypass logic
2. Strawman Argument
Misrepresenting someone argument so it can be attacked better.
3.Bandwagon Fallacy
Claiming something true because of consensus supporting
4. False Dilemma
Presenting only two extreme options ignoring alternatives.
5. Ad Hominem Attack
Attack of the person rather than the argument. Questioning qualification to dismiss opinion.
6. Appeal to Authority
Claim something is true to to the authority figure saying so. “Trust the science.”
7. Slippery Slope
One action is going to result in one negative outcome. “If we allow this, we will not have…”
8. Hasty Generalization
Broad claims made with very little evidence. One person lied so the whole group is corrupt.
9. Red Herring
Distracts with irrelevant information to divert from the important.
10. False Equivalence
Compares two things as equals when they are not. “Both sides have extremists so they are the same.”
My episode of the 5 corporations that own 99% of all media.
The NCI report can be requested here.