Power of the Jesuits with guest Johnny Cirucci | podcast

Johnny Cirucci - Illuminati Unmasked
Johnny Cirucci - Illuminati Unmasked

In this episode guest Johnny Cirucci sets Jim straight on the significance of the power of the Jesuits. The Jesuits have a hand in politics, banking, and Secret Societies. Johnny brings his research forth to share his insight on this notorious group, the Society of Jesus, known as the Jesuits, and their influence in society and governments.

We tend to gloss over the significance of this organization known as the Jesuits as just another leg of the Illuminati in general, one of many Secret Societies that they in general work within. The Illuminati are generally thought of as the “overlords” so to speak, which is the default label behind the conspiracy. As the layers peel back, the one group known as the Jesuits become more evident. That’s where’s Johnny’s research has taken him.

This episode will cover:

  • How the Jesuits came about?
  • Do they control the Freemasons and Illuminati?
  • What is the purpose of the Black Pope?
  • What are their ambitions?
  • How much power do they have in the world?
  • Political figures affiliated with Jesuits

Johnny answers these questions and a whole lot more. He shares with us the missing element many miss in not regarding the Jesuits as significant enough to have a horse in the race.

Johnny Cirucci is a military man that after returning from deployment to Iraq, had questions who was really behind the powers of government. His intrigue caused him to look deeper into these things to find that the enemy was not only from outside, but also from within our own institutions. This led to Johnny writing “The Illuminati Unmasked.” Since he has also written two other books, “Secret History” and “Eaters of Children.”

Johnny Cirucci

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