The panel discusses Kavanaugh and Trump’s Jesuit connections. We also look at Satanism in society and as a fashionable statement. And how Halloween celebrates darkness and participation allies with the occult worshippers. Vatican enthrones Satan in 1963 by a claim of Fr. Malachi Martin.
The support for Kavanaugh, and Trump for that matter, is based on their pro-life platform, and there is hope that a Republican majority will overturn Roe vs Wade. However, people fail to recognize how it was passed in the first place in 1973, and who it was that passed it.
Jesuits have taken over Congress. Perhaps the Jesuit Oath is active.
Satanism is increasing in society. Actually, the public image of it has now been acceptable after several years of watering down morality and weakening the Christian faith.
Several public images are promoting Satanism as a statement, but as an acceptance. Some do not even flinch. Possibly desensitization has set in.