Can a Pastor Be a Freemason? | podcast

Can a Pastor Be a Freemason? | podcast

September 2, 2017 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Many Pastors have become Freemasons. As well as Freemasons who have become Pastors. While some regard Freemasonry an innocent gentleman’s club to hold men accountable to morality, the inner workings and dark secrets reveal otherwise.  In this episode we expose why Freemasonry is not compatible. Freemason oath is incompatible with [READ MORE]

Behind the State of Israel

Behind the State of Israel

August 6, 2017 Jim Duke Perspective 0

So if Israel was a petition of the Rothschilds for the acquiring of the land under the Balfour Declaration, then was that the nation of Israel promised by God that many Christians and others are standing behind for support? In their negotiations with Israel, the Rothschilds agreed to donate the [READ MORE]

Freemason Initiation Oath

Freemason Initiation Oath

June 3, 2017 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Upon entry into initiation of Secret Societies, they require reciting oaths to swear in. The Bible says not to swear by anything on heaven or on earth. So are Masons violating the scriptures? Some defend that Masons are Christian. Let’s look at the Oaths and determine for yourself. Freemason Oath. A [READ MORE]

Mystery of Secret Societies

Mystery of Secret Societies

June 3, 2017 Jim Duke Perspective 0

The mysterious conspiracy of Secret Societies running the world has been a suspicion for centuries, and even millenniums. The idea that a Society having the influence to develop the systems and to run the aspects of our social and religious lives, even the world is too vast for some to [READ MORE]

Wars and the Two-Faced God

Wars and the Two-Faced God

December 25, 2016 Jim Duke Perspective 0

The Masonic image of the two headed eagle (which could also be a Phoenix) has deeper roots than just that which we see. Janus, the Two-Faced God of War, represents the two-faced purpose of the Masonic Order in the esoteric (hidden) and exoteric (public) expressions. This can represent the double-meaning [READ MORE]

George Washington Warned of the Illuminati

George Washington Warned of the Illuminati

December 4, 2016 Jim Duke Perspective 0

During 1798 a Reverend, G.W. Snyder, wrote several letters to George Washington warning about his concerns of this infamous Secret Society known as the Illuminati penetrating into the United States Masonic Lodges. He sent Washington a book exposing this group and their intentions outlined by John Robison, entitled Proofs of [READ MORE]

The Illuminati

The Illuminati

January 1, 2016 Jim Duke Perspective 0

The Illuminati hold a certain mystery intriguing to many. Many have heard of this mysterious group called the Illuminati, a Secret Society blamed for many of the world’s woes that control world affairs through governments, law, politics, and business and operate through entertainment, media, and education. Some have accused this group [READ MORE]

Mystery Babylon and the Babylonian System

Mystery Babylon and the Babylonian System

December 27, 2015 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Does Babylon exist today? What is mystery Babylon? We break down the system as referred to in scripture to highlight the essence of Babylon and the making of Mystery Babylon. The seed of Satan, the root of the false kingdom, and how he works through men to counterfeit God’s kingdom [READ MORE]