Breaking Through Chemtrails | podcast

Breaking Through Chemtrails | podcast

August 6, 2018 Jim Duke Perspective 0

The suspicion of “Chemtrails” has been a phenomenon for several decades now as our skies become unusually saturated with emissions of trailing contrails from planes that do not seem to dissipate as normal exhaust. These trails are forming strange cloud patterns and show signs of ripples of sound waves and [READ MORE]

Occult History of NASA | podcast

Occult History of NASA | podcast

July 30, 2018 Jim Duke Perspective 0

NASA claims its intent is to study the universe and give answer to the ultimate question, “Are we alone?” To find the answers to our origin of life and collecting proof that there is a vast universe going beyond what the scriptures can tell us. However, we find it has [READ MORE]

Greatest Mind Control Device in History

Greatest Mind Control Device in History

July 9, 2018 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Technology is advancing and it is more than just entertainment. We tend to think it was developed for our leisure. But it has a purpose. And you might not like it. Why was television developed? What is the greatest mind control device developed? We will discuss this on this episode. [READ MORE]

Secret Meaning of Freemasonry

Secret Meaning of Freemasonry

June 8, 2018 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Many inside will defend their Craft by saying our perception on the outside is off and not truly representing their innocent Gentleman’s Club of “beefsteak dinners and community service.” However, I have found that there are several thoughts on this on why it must be defended that way. For one [READ MORE]

Conspiracy Theories That Are More Than Theory

Conspiracy Theories That Are More Than Theory

June 4, 2018 Jim Duke Perspective 0

We examine the nature of conspiracy and specific conspiracy theories that are more than just theory. Some of the documents have been published, and evidences proving that something more than a mere coincidence of incidents have given fodder for tin-foil hat wearers to gain suspicion. The very discredit of conspiracies [READ MORE]

James Perloff: the Truther Movement and Syria

James Perloff: the Truther Movement and Syria

May 14, 2018 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Jim and James discuss James Perloff’s recent blog articles on the Truther Movement and its relationship with Christianity, and also on the Syria conflict and his insight after speaking with several who are directly connected. PLAY EPISODE Your browser does not support the audio element. This episode explores the need [READ MORE]

Freemasons Remain in Darkness

Freemasons Remain in Darkness

May 6, 2018 Jim Duke Perspective 0

When a person is invited and initiated into the Entered Apprentice degree of the Freemason Blue Lodge, he is required to acknowledge that up to that moment, he was in darkness, and that he seeks the light. That means even for the Christian who pledges to this deceptive fraternity, he [READ MORE]

Entertainment Industry Exposed

Entertainment Industry Exposed

April 28, 2018 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Hollywood Victims, or Participants? Exposing the Industry and how it operates behind the scenes. You would NOT believe it. People say we should feel sorry for those in the entertainment field abused, used, and victims of harassment and Satanic Ritual Abuse. However, performers are well aware of the balance and [READ MORE]

Socialism for NWO Indoctrination of Students

Socialism for NWO Indoctrination of Students

April 14, 2018 Jim Duke Perspective 0

A report says that nearly half of millennials prefer Socialism over Capitalism. Most students do not even know the meaning of Socialism. The Social Engineering agenda is a success. We discuss the Illuminati Socialist agenda for a New World Order, how Socialism has been indoctrinated in students through the education [READ MORE]

How to Detect a False Flag | podcast

How to Detect a False Flag | podcast

March 31, 2018 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Ever hear of a “false flag?” It is a psychological tactic of a scenario staged, plotted, or provoked to blame a party or distract from something in order to deceive the public into believing someone or something else was the blame. This episode explains false flags with examples in society [READ MORE]

YouTube will use Wikipedia to combat conspiracy theories

YouTube will use Wikipedia to combat conspiracy theories

March 17, 2018 Jim Duke Perspective 0

The YouTube platform will include links to Wikipedia alongside controversial videos in order to discredit Conspiracy Theories and correct “misinformation.” After videos reached top trending of the Florida Shooting exposing interviewee David Hogg as a “Crisis Actor” and accusing him of being an agent of propaganda, YouTube has proceeded on [READ MORE]

Politics of Deception

Politics of Deception

March 12, 2018 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Many think politics is legislation of policies for the betterment of society and protection of its citizens. But behind politics is a dirty corrupt staging of the agenda, and swaying politicians to comply with the vast master plan of a New world Order. PLAY EPISODE Your browser does not support [READ MORE]

Fake Jesus

Fake Jesus

March 10, 2018 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Which Jesus do you know? There are variations of Jesus according to which group you have been associated with. A Freemason Jesus, a New Age Jesus, a Catholic Jesus, even an ecumenical Jesus. However, there is only one true Jesus. The others are a fake Jesus. Your browser does not [READ MORE]

Gun Control Rhetoric, Behind Billy Graham

Gun Control Rhetoric, Behind Billy Graham

February 26, 2018 Jim Duke Perspective 0

After the Florida Shooting, the issue still heats up with activists protesting guns. This is the same polarizing rhetoric over and over whenever these incidents happen. Evangelist Billy Graham passed away at age 99. We will look at the inside behind the Crusade that made Billy Graham a celebrity. His [READ MORE]

Deeper Issue With School Safety

Deeper Issue With School Safety

February 18, 2018 Jim Duke Perspective 0

School facilities may have a deeper issue than what is publicized on the surface. The media and society are quick to put the focus on the weapon rather than on the person committing the crime. While guns are the weapon of choice, some neglect to realize that these places targeted [READ MORE]