New Variants Discovered
NYS declares discovery of two new variants. Of course they did. So the health department is suggesting wearing masks. The State follows CDC guidelines in which at the moment are only recommending masks be worn. However, as in the past very little evidence supports masks having a role in preventing spread of the virus. In addition to no affect, several health experts warn wearing a mask for prolonged time labors breathing as it only circulates used air, which causes other health risks. But many still go along with the faulty narrative never questioning their authorities.
The question is where do these variants come from? Nature doesn’t always produce such abnormal versions, so we wonder if these are results of lab experiments leaking into the society. Boston University had been accused of experimenting with variants to create a virus 80% more deadly than COVID.
However, that claim has been debunked by experts as having been misreported. They correct that it should just simply read that of the mice that were tested, 80% died from the strain, that it had a higher mortality rate, not that it was 80% more deadly. Semantics?
Government Agencies Supplied with Weapons
Several years ago we reported government agencies not involved with policing or military were buying weapons and ammo to supply their departments. At the time we thought they were merely shorting the supply and using the departments to confiscate weapons as those agencies had no power to weaponize or act in a police manner.
Come to find out they do.
See my article https://jimdukeperspective.com/government-agencies-arm-with-weapons/