In this episode we explore the esoteric aspects and Luciferian connections of the United Nations. They have affiliations deeply rooted in Lucis Trust, who are a Luciferian organization teaching doctrines of Lucifer.
Lucis Trust is an organization founded by Alice Bailey in 1922 as Lucifer Publishing Company. They published esoteric books based on Theosophy, a philosophy of Helena Blavatsky fusing various Mystic cults, Luciferianism, and Christianity into a hybrid religion of Gnosticism. They launched education centers as Arcane School, Tara Center, and Findhorn Foundation.
Alice Bailey stated in her book “The Externalization of the Hierarchy” that the New Age religion would be presented in three main channels: The Church, the Masonic fraternity, and education.
New Age guru Benjamin Creme wrote in his work “The Reappearance of the Christ” that the new religion will manifest through Societies such as the Masons, in which Freemasonry is embedded the core of the secret of the occult Mysteries.
The Church has incorporated many New Age philosophies. Freemasons have occupied pulpits and heads of churches. And our education system has been hijacked by Foundations for Socialism promoting One World Government and religion.
Now ecumenicalism has contaminated the truth of the Christian faith and has opened the door to a false gospel of all-inclusion, making the narrow path wide open, in contrast to what Jesus said. And Protestantism has returned to the Mother Church of Rome by influence of the Jesuits.
Linkages were formed with the International Cooperation Council. This 200-plus organizational network of networks is dedicated to the speedy implementation of “The Plan” — a plan which includes the bringing in of a New Age “Christ.”
Another New Age leader is David Spangler who is right at the top of Planetary Citizens which is the Secretariat for Planetary Initiative. Spangler says that in order to enter the New Age we must take a Luciferic initiation. He says we’re heading into a vast planetary initiation, a mass initiation of people.
Lucis Trust mentors members of the United Nations in esoteric knowledge and guides United Nations policies towards a New World Order for the New Age religion. The location of its library sat at the United Nations Plaza until moving down the street, however, Lucis Trust donated a Transcendental meditation room to the UN.
Prominent UN leaders were Lucis Trust disciples, such as Robert Muller, first Assistant General Secretary, and Maurice Strong who introduced Agenda 21 and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and earth environmental causes. We recognize these causes as hidden philosophies of Theosophy written in regulation and policy.
Lucis Trust admit clearly in their website that they are Luciferian and that their name represents worship of Lucifer. Yet the public do not link their name with the United Nations because they haven’t made that connection. But the UN is guided by them, making it a Luciferian agency.
The Lucis Trust has Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations (ECOSOC) and World Goodwill is recognized by the Department of Public Information at the United Nations as a Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO). As such the Trust and World Goodwill are part of a community of many hundreds of NGOs that play an active role in the United Nations, particularly in spreading information about the UN and fostering support for UN programs.
Lucis Trust host many UN programs and affiliate with many departments, such as World Goodwill, New Group for World Servers, and Planetary Initiation.
Other articles to reference on my website are: