In this episode we take another look at the claim of who is running things at the top. Some say it is the Secret Societies, others say it is the Jews, and some that it is Vatican or Rome. We break it down from another viewpoint taking a transcript from an article as our foundation.
Listen to “Who is Pulling the Strings At the Top of the World Elite?” on Spreaker.
We will go over a transcript of an interview with this Santos Bonacci guy who has a view of the bloodlines running the Vatican, Jesuits, and governments, even having power over the Royals.
Many know Secret Societies are behind the plans of the Elite, but they don’t run the show from the top. There are an Elite bloodline who governs affairs, puts up the financiers like the Rothschilds and Rockefellers and rule from behind the curtain.
Our information confirms some of the claims.