AI Propaganda Mind Control Technocracy | podcast

AI Propaganda Mind Control Technocracy | podcast

August 20, 2019 Jim Duke Perspective 0

In this episode we discuss the use of AI in manipulating the algorithms to squash information revealing conspiracy by placing the search words in low priority unless coupled with more specific phrases. Modern propaganda using cyber books and libraries rather than physical books and buildings. A campaign has been unleashed [READ MORE]

Franklin Files Child Sex Scandal | podcast

Franklin Files Child Sex Scandal | podcast

August 12, 2019 Jim Duke Perspective 0

In this episode we resurface the child sex scandal involving Executive of the Franklin Credit Union Larry King, who used his position to solicit politicians to have sex with boys from the Boys Town Institution, as well as funding child trafficking for the Elite. This scandal may have been forgotten, [READ MORE]

Zionism A Political Movement

Zionism A Political Movement

August 11, 2019 Jim Duke Perspective 0

The father of modern Zionism is Theodor Herzl, who was considered a “visionary of the State” for forming an organization recognizing establishing a national State of Israel. Now either he was working for God, and Zionism is an act of God for end time prophecy, or it operates in opposition [READ MORE]

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Which Secret Society Is On Top?

August 6, 2019 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Many ask me which Secret Society is top dog. I am going to reveal it here. The Freemasons are well known for their community presence, and also their sketchy secret meaning. Some inside deeply involved have knowledge of esoteric meaning and rituals. Members have a hand in business, law, and [READ MORE]