The Contamination in Christian Churches – #041
The Bible warns some will creep into the Church spreading deception and doctrines of heresies. In this episode we will examine the true meaning of church, the direction of modern church, and the contamination of Freemasonry that has infiltrated Christianity to usher in the hierarchy of New Age for the coming of Lucifer.
2Pet 2:1; Mat 7:15; Mat 24:11; Tit 1:10-11; 1John 4:1; 2Tim 4:3-4
Warnings of false prophets, false teaching, and the coming apostasy, which is a turning from the faith, a contamination, a breach so to speak. Having a form of godliness, but denying its power, no Holy Spirit, or else a counterfeit.
What the church has become, what it isn’t
The church in the Bible – Matthew 16:18
[Mat 16:18] 18 And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.
Church here is ekklesia, the called out, Gathered in a public place. Is it a community of those who decide to come together for religious purpose? No, the called out ones.
The usage of the word “church,” was rooted from ancient origins of circe, which was adopted from pagan circular temples, meaning the pagan place of worship, the building itself. Christians have adopted it as meaning the establishment, the house, the facility, the organization in which people of a community come to worship. And this has led to the misuse of the meeting, which was a gathering meant for believers to edify one another, and not to encourage a community to have a place to observe a worship service.
Ekklesia means the called out ones in a congregation. It could be in a home, in a barn, on the street, wherever, and is NOT representative of the established house called the church. Nor is it the big organization known as the “Church”, under the Catholic Papacy as many think or believe it has its authority. That is a fallacy that has led to man heresies.
Model of Church
The model the Church establishment has used comes from Babylonian roots. The court, or sanctuary, with its altar, head, pulpit, and separation of clergy from laymen is the Babylonian model, used in witchcraft ceremonies. But even the modern Christian denominations and churches have traditionally accepted this type of model.
Denominations emerged as different perspectives divided. They have governing boards in which a headquarters determines the statement of faith, the aspects of teaching, and the doctrine of the movement. Synods under it may be ordained through organizational appointing and determination, and placed over the appropriate congregation.
Independent churches from previous independent churches or individual vision of one called out to oversee others and start a church.
The purpose of a community church is to offer a dedicated facility in which to worship, to meet God, to reflect, and to be considered the house of God. The modern church generally accepts a community, whether a believer saved or born again, or not. The hope is that by opening up the door, the prospect becomes saved by osmosis and promotion.
The purpose is growth, popularity, and community reputation, which is the mark of success. Some even into what is called “megachurches.” These are generally more than a thousand, and upwards of tens of thousands attending each service.
Community center with ecumenical (common faith) teaching. Therefore they say they have to be relevant with the world. The church must be periodically tweaked to accommodate the lifestyles of the current culture. The atmosphere is less daunting and dreary and more inviting and exciting. Entertainment atmosphere like going to a rock concert.
A status symbol to move up in the ranks, to Sunday school teacher, worship team member, or possibly on the board.
The church is earthly, Trying to be compatible with the world system. Mingling with the world for acceptance. It has become a way to make a name. Build a reputation in the community.
Satan is the God of this world. And the church model follows the world’s pattern, sometimes a business model and has become contaminated in the compromise.
[Rom 12:2] 2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what [is] that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
Pastoral networks
The model, especially of denominations, follows a Babylonian hierarchy system. Pyramid model that starts with the Senior Pastor, then his associates, then his board, then trickles down to the large masses.
This is no coincidence. All systems are modeled with this structure. And this has allowed an entry of those who should not be.
Community pastors have joined fraternities such as pastoral associations, conferences. These networks serve as a support group. In them, senior members mentor new members and make suggestions to doctrinal truths, ways to structure their facility, and ways to become successful and grow their churches. having a code and share information.
Some trainers are from megachurches like Saddleback, teaching the modern church model to grow, how to become a compatible community station, how to make all welcome to heaven, and not to stress on sin, since it is a negative message. Positive affirmations are encouraged.
[Jde 1:4, 11] 4 For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ. … 11 Woe unto them! for they have gone in the way of Cain, and ran greedily after the error of Balaam for reward, and perished in the gainsaying of Core. Wolves in sheep’s clothing.
Freemasons have crept into Christian churches, even on leadership boards.
Tom McKenney, co author of Deadly Deception, with former 33rd degree Scottish Rite Freemason, Jim Shaw, states that in his research, he has discovered that 70% of all Christian Pastors have Masonic membership! Friends admitted churches that are aware of Freemasons in their congregation and they allow low degrees.
Leadership in many denominations, over associations, Southern Baptist Movements, Seminaries, etc.
Along with that, also witches attending services who practice magic using the energy of megachurches, sensationalism. Some drafted as leaders on boards.
Watered-Down Gospel
This has contaminated the faith. The need to accommodate several lifestyles and become relevant in today’s society has superseded truth. An ecumenical attitude is presented. And in surrender, some pastors are teaching a watered-down gospel that is to a wider mass and attempting to make the narrow gate wider (itching ears).
Their thinking is that if we take down the barriers, it becomes accessible to more. And then we can work out the sin issue. Jesus said, The gate is narrow, few enter, some don’t. Some won’t follow Him and be willing to allow Him to take away their sin. So the answer is to excuse sin, like homosexuality.
This is a deliberate plan as outlined in Alice Bailey’s book“Externalization of the Hierarchy” published by Lucis Trust as a planned tactic of Luciferians.
In it Alice Bailey tells that the hierarchy will be set up in the world, placing people in their positions to ready their sector for the coming of Lucifer to rule the planet. When complete, they can announce that hierarchy as each sector is compatible, and the New World Order can be completed.
Dangers of Freemasonry
The ygive charity, help communities, but are more than a fraternity or social club. Adopt ancient pagan rituals, practice witchcraft, and swear secret oaths.
The first 3 degrees are initiative and uninformable. Concealed truth and intent until later degrees. Ask for light, more light, even more light, until rising up in levels. Even so many secrets still withheld. The God you initiated upon diminished and their god increases, revealed as a source of light, then Baphomet. And eventually Lucifer is revealed as the true source.
Not compatible with Christianity. If an initiate gets in on a lower level, he is sworn to secrecy and will not reveal his advancement. Therefore his doctrines will be infiltrated into the statements.
Gospel palatable and interesting in exchange for truth. Sin excused. Heresy seeped in. Scandals, and selfish gain.
Pastors have been approached by Federal agents to emphasize preaching of Romans 13 and obey government no matter what, and to report dissenters and those who criticize government. Eventually those holding correct faith will be outcast as extremists, fundamentalists, and an enemy to society.
Woe to pastors…
If you are a pastor and know this, You are urged to sever your ties to the network and repent. If you know of those in your leadership having this affiliation, you MUST address it.