Cultural Christianity | podcast

Cultural Christianity | podcast

August 28, 2021 Jim Duke Perspective 0

In this episode we discuss the misconception between cultural Christianity and biblical Christianity. Is cultural Christianity shortcoming of what true faith expects? is it compromised? We share what the true faith looks like and what the misleading counterfeit sells. Listen to “Cultural Christianity” on Spreaker. The Western world is generally [READ MORE]

New Age Christianity Pt2 | podcast

New Age Christianity Pt2 | podcast

August 7, 2021 Jim Duke Perspective 0

In this episode we continue our discussion of New Age influence in Christianity and what it looks like compared to our jurisdiction in Christ. Listen to “New Age Christianity Pt2” on Spreaker. We review what makes it New Age in Christianity, do we throw out the commons just because they [READ MORE]

New Age Christianity Pt1 | podcast

New Age Christianity Pt1 | podcast

July 31, 2021 Jim Duke Perspective 0

In this episode we discuss New Age influence in Christianity. We share the origins of New Age and a possible cause of infiltrating the Christian faith. Listen to “New Age Christianity Pt1” on Spreaker. New Age is a Luciferian philosophy we believe originated in the Garden of Eden introduced to [READ MORE]

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New Age and Christianity

July 20, 2021 Jim Duke Perspective 0

New Age resisted exposing itself into the culture and into Christianity until 100 years after Helena Blavatsky’s influence of Theosophy penetrated society and gained acceptance. Alice Bailey and Lucis Trust educated New Age philosophy into society throughout the 20th century and in the 1960s it began to publicize in our [READ MORE]

Christian Conversion | podcast

Christian Conversion | podcast

November 9, 2019 Jim Duke Perspective 0

The recent announcement of Kanye West’s conversion to Christianity has led to much controversy. This episode describes the Christian conversion and differentiates the perception of conversion with a true identity with Jesus Christ. The claim of Christian has become fashionable with so many celebrities converting to Christianity. But the meaning [READ MORE]

James Perloff: the Truther Movement and Syria

James Perloff: the Truther Movement and Syria

May 14, 2018 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Jim and James discuss James Perloff’s recent blog articles on the Truther Movement and its relationship with Christianity, and also on the Syria conflict and his insight after speaking with several who are directly connected. PLAY EPISODE Your browser does not support the audio element. This episode explores the need [READ MORE]

What is the Sign of Jesus Coming?

What is the Sign of Jesus Coming?

October 6, 2016 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Many are looking for signs of Jesus’ second coming. The scripture tells the specific order and what to look for in Matthew 24. We will compare the scripture with issues going on in today’s society. You may download the episode by simply clicking on the title.

Mystery Babylon and the Babylonian System

Mystery Babylon and the Babylonian System

December 27, 2015 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Does Babylon exist today? What is mystery Babylon? We break down the system as referred to in scripture to highlight the essence of Babylon and the making of Mystery Babylon. The seed of Satan, the root of the false kingdom, and how he works through men to counterfeit God’s kingdom [READ MORE]

Churches Built on a Faulty Premise

Churches Built on a Faulty Premise

November 15, 2015 Jim Duke Perspective 0

The church model we are accustomed to is a system run as an Institution, organization, or denomination. It is governed by a governing church board, a board of elders, or upon a Pastoral vision. Many expect the churches to run by Pastor authority. That is what we had excepted as [READ MORE]

Upon This Rock I will Build My Church

Upon This Rock I will Build My Church

November 10, 2015 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Jesus built the church. But what is church, and how did we get the wrong understanding of the organization structure? Many will fill the blank with the word “church” because it is the translated word traditionally accepted used by the KJV and other translations. Let us look at a verse [READ MORE]

Are You Going to Heaven?

Are You Going to Heaven?

August 20, 2015 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Everyone wants to go to heaven. Everyone thinks they are going to heaven. However, when asked are you sure you are going to heaven, that is where many hesitate. So they are back to the beginning question. Some will justify their answer by claiming they are not any worse than [READ MORE]

Who is God?

Who is God?

May 25, 2015 Jim Duke Perspective 0

“God” is a generic word that is understood as the meaning of a Divine Deity. Biblical rendering is to the Almighty Supreme Creator of Heaven, who is described as “God of gods” to differentiate Him with other gods. In Greek it is “Theos.” Earlier Hebrew renderings called Him “El,” which is the [READ MORE]

Contamination in Christian Churches

Contamination in Christian Churches

May 24, 2015 Jim Duke Perspective 0

The Contamination in Christian Churches – #041 The Bible warns some will creep into the Church spreading deception and doctrines of heresies. In this episode we will examine the true meaning of church, the direction of modern church, and the contamination of Freemasonry that has infiltrated Christianity to usher in [READ MORE]