POLITICAL AGENTS, VAX PROMOTERS, SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORMS, etc ALL NEED TO READ THIS. THE FACTS ARE HERE YOU CANNOT DENY, NOR FLAG AS DISINFORMATION Just from the facts we know it is questionable enough (sources listed below article):
The vaccine is mandated (almost universally) covering up the suspicions, censoring our rebuttal, and even squashing the warnings from the technology inventors. So there is an obvious agenda and propaganda promoting it. No one can doubt this observational fact.
Fact: This “vaccine” is not a true vaccine as it supposedly does not contain a biological sample, and in additional there has been no evidence produced of any isolated sample of this virus that has been used. From the Pfizer and Moderna summary, this is mRNA gene editing encoding to trigger the DNA to respond to a perceived invader, even though it is a code of information that simulates such attack to produce antibodies artificially.
The vials contain nano-particles (from their summary) which introduces our bodies with internal contaminates. The identity of these are not disclosed, but researchers found ethylene oxide and graphene oxide. Graphene oxide is an electromagnetic element that is injected as a hydrogel able to spread to DNA to track and allow programming. They are contaminate toxins.
Dr. Kerry Madej and a team put the vaccine under an electron microscope and found particles of metal objects, as well as peculiar organisms with ability to move on their own. Further research identified them as Polypodium Hydriform parasites. Coupled with the patent (Microsoft/Gates) WO2020/060606 Cryptocurrency body reading device for certification of body activity, I have no doubt this is leading to something. Also the technology of Luciferase is suspected as illuminating DNA for readability.
My summary: Contaminates are injected that are not honestly disclosed by the manufacturers. The CDC lists adverse affects even though claims “effective and safe.” You will find adverse affects listed under “Adverse Events” that downplay the harmful results, yet admit them. The nano-particles are suspected of conducting wifi signal which allows programmable ability and tracking.
I don’t know the purpose of the organisms besides possible integration to make chimera.
If the vaccine is effective producing the antibodies generally to get the DNA reaction, why are further “boosters” necessary? Are the said effective vaccines then NOT proven effective as claimed? If the genetic antibodies are present, even artificially, why do MORE inserts of injections needed to enhance them more for new variants? Isn’t the first dose sufficient? They don’t isolate actual biological samples, so what are they measuring it by?
These are the facts I researched on my own from their own sources. If we know this, imagine what we don’t know. This is enough to question the intent and link to further possibilities.
Sources have come from:
*World news and legislative measures for mandate
*Biden Six-Pronged plan for vaccine mandates
*Dr Robert Malone inventor of mRNA who is being censored
*Research I conducted on the development of Propaganda and techniques
*Pfizer abstract for petition of FDA approval.
*Moderna website for explanation how the vaccine works
*Article from Spain, Spanish doctors with LaQuinta Columna examining the contents of the vaccine to find Graphene Oxide
*Research from Dr. Carrie Madej on contents of the vial for organisms
*Hydrogel from Celeste Solum (I interviewed her)
*Dr. Michael Palmer on Luciferase evidence
*CDC website “Adverse Events“