In this episode we resurface the child sex scandal involving Executive of the Franklin Credit Union Larry King, who used his position to solicit politicians to have sex with boys from the Boys Town Institution, as well as funding child trafficking for the Elite.
This scandal may have been forgotten, if the Epstein case did not bring suspicion back. This case had connections right up to the White House in Washington DC. A forgotten scandal recorded in the Franklin Files involving Boys Town Nebraska Institution for boys and the White House, linking an alleged boy prostitution ring with Washington D.C.
A child pedophile ring involving the White House revealed in the 1980s included high ranking politicians, businessmen, attorneys, Judges, even departments of the FBI and CIA. Unfortunately the case was dismissed and deemed a hoax by the jury with not enough evidence to pursue since many of the testimonies recanted, some witnesses fled, some mysteriously killed, and an investigator in the case was killed in a plane crash before releasing the evidences. Reports had been omitted from news reports. How was this covered up? And what do investigators believe otherwise?
On June 29, 1989 the Washington Times reported that a homosexual prostitution inquiry revealed a “call boy” ring taking a midnight tour of the White House under the Reagan and Bush administrations, after an investigation of Franklin Credit Union was called for financial discrepancies involving its founder Larry King (not the commentator).
It had been alleged that VIPs were linked the Boys Town Nebraska institution that went all the way to Washington D.C. in a pedophilia ring of Satanic ritual abuse and child trafficking. However, State and Federal Grand juries concluded that the allegations were unfounded and that the ring was a “carefully crafted hoax.
Ted Gunderson, FBI Bureau Chief at the time, accounts for this report.
An investigation was called by Senator John DeCamp taking on the task of exposing a group of high level politicians to bring witnesses forth. It was determined children were taken out of orphanages and foster homes, taken to Iowa and flown to the White House for sexual orgies with Congressmen and Senators. Sometimes in a home rented by Larry King, specifically used for this activity. Homosexual pedophile sex ring trafficking children to and from different States. DeCamp called on Gary Caradori to investigate the case.
Up to 80 witnesses alleged being abused, until many recanted, some fled, others refused to testify. Two came forward, one of which was Paul Bonacci, who let an investigator hear his story. He exposed the activity in the White House, as well as in Franklin’s rental property. And also at the Bohemian Grove including several high profile attendees. His story was discredited even though Bonacci correctly described all the areas he witnesses and drew accurate pictures of the layout of the places supposedly off limits to citizens.
Gary Caradori learned of some pictures taken. He found evidence of politicians having sex and doing other acts with children boys and girls. He had been pursuing new leads holding as evidence a book with addresses, telephone numbers, names. He admitted if they knew he had it, they’d kill him.” Gary was threatened several times. His vehicles were tampered with. On July 11, 1990 a private plane Caradori had been on was mysteriously bolown up in the air killing the investigator.
A photographer Russell (Rusty) Nelson also attended these parties and hired by King to take snapshots of the activities. Possibly used for blackmail. Nelson admitted Politicians, dignitaries, wealthy business people, young people attended these parties that afterwords turned into orgies and sexual practices with the children for those who stayed behind.
NOTE: This is the podcast that landed me a final strike on YouTube with accusation violating community standards for “Cyber-bullying Pedophiles.”