Jesuit Infiltration for Globalization

Jesuit Infiltration for Globalization

April 22, 2017 Jim Duke Perspective 0

People are aware of the prestigious claim to be of a Jesuit school or of those having Jesuit training. While many colleges boast of such high claim, few know the dark secrets of Jesuits and what they intend. The Jesuit Oath of Induction is a recorded document still filed in [READ MORE]

Propaganda For War

Propaganda For War

April 15, 2017 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Find out in this episode how propaganda is used to provoke war and get the compliance of citizens to justify its necessity. We have been indoctrinated for war in certain circumstances that extend well beyond the defense and protection of our own nation. The wars and rumors of war today [READ MORE]

Wars and the Two-Faced God

Wars and the Two-Faced God

December 25, 2016 Jim Duke Perspective 0

The Masonic image of the two headed eagle (which could also be a Phoenix) has deeper roots than just that which we see. Janus, the Two-Faced God of War, represents the two-faced purpose of the Masonic Order in the esoteric (hidden) and exoteric (public) expressions. This can represent the double-meaning [READ MORE]

New World Order Exposed

New World Order Exposed

December 17, 2016 Jim Duke Perspective 0

The world is in shambles. Nations war against nations, a new threat of terrorism has developed requiring the countries to tighten its security, and economic turmoil still looms. The environment is struggling as an agency is relied upon to regulate the available resources on the earth. And the Elite continue [READ MORE]

The Luciferian Network

The Luciferian Network

December 16, 2016 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Many now know of the mysterious Elite group known as the Illuminati. My article Who Are the Illuminati explains the basics of this Secret Society. But behind the Illuminati is is a vast network working to rule physical earth, at the same time controlling principalities and powers in the spiritual [READ MORE]

George Washington Warned of the Illuminati

George Washington Warned of the Illuminati

December 4, 2016 Jim Duke Perspective 0

During 1798 a Reverend, G.W. Snyder, wrote several letters to George Washington warning about his concerns of this infamous Secret Society known as the Illuminati penetrating into the United States Masonic Lodges. He sent Washington a book exposing this group and their intentions outlined by John Robison, entitled Proofs of [READ MORE]

The Establishment

The Establishment

December 4, 2016 Jim Duke Perspective 0

After WWI, the Elite tried to suggest the nations accept policies of peace through an agency called “The League of Nations.” After Congress rejected it, the orchestrators went back to propose another less threatening agency, but having the same goal in mind. In 1919 Colonel House met in Paris with [READ MORE]

New World Order Out of the Chaos

New World Order Out of the Chaos

November 29, 2016 Jim Duke Perspective 0

The world has a way to solve the problems, but is it just leading us to the false means of the New World Order? The world turns to false prophets, witchcraft, and Illuminati as wise agents. But they have been into some creepy things. We will discuss some connections with [READ MORE]

Is There Any Hope for America?

Is There Any Hope for America?

October 23, 2016 Jim Duke Perspective 0

America is seeing times of distress. At the same time our current administration is telling us things are improving. For those in charge they want to see us maintain the path to continue the direction towards their America. But other Americans see that the nation has turned from its roots towards [READ MORE]

New Age and Occult Luciferianism

New Age and Occult Luciferianism

June 5, 2016 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Madame Helena Blavatsky in the 1800’s promoted a spiritism that would invoke spirit guides for the betterment of society. Her belief is known as Theosophy, God-wisdom, that claims higher consciousness spiritual enlightenment. This developed into the Theosophist Society in which many world leaders have adopted as their belief system, such [READ MORE]

New World Order Exposed | podcast

New World Order Exposed | podcast

May 10, 2016 Jim Duke Perspective 0

The New World Order, fact or fiction? We will explore what the New World Order is and when it was announced. The Luciferian roots and its ancient religious rituals and ties to the illuminati. How it is a plan for a One World Government of Globalism and what the Bible [READ MORE]