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The Infection Rates Will Not Add Up

April 3, 2021 Jim Duke Perspective 0

The chart for rate of infection for States mandating masks and those that have not are relatively the same, telling us it isn’t a matter of wearing masks or not that has contributed to a rise or drop in infection cases. At the same time, what are the justifications for [READ MORE]

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Operation of Magick

March 7, 2021 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Aleister Crowley set forth a principle in his ritual magick formula that he developed for a purpose that many agencies and groups use even in average society. Crowley defined Magick in his principle of Thelema as “the science and art of causing change to occur in conformity with will”. He [READ MORE]

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Signs of COVID Fear

January 1, 2021 Jim Duke Perspective 0

When you believe that wearing a mask with screening of .30 microns can prevent a virus of .125 microns from exiting or entering. When you wear a mask for hours breathing in your own CO2 and creating an environment petri-dish for bacteria to breed. When you wear a mask even [READ MORE]

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Deception of Politics

December 25, 2020 Jim Duke Perspective 0

During the Ronald Reagan campaign, the candidate attacked the members of the Trilateral Commission (Illuminati group headed by Rockefeller and included Zbigniew Brzezinski, and Jimmy Carter) speaking against globalism, and pledged to not give Bush and the CFR influence a place in the Reagan government. However, despite campaign platforms, as [READ MORE]

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Alice in Wonderland Psyop Tactic

December 6, 2020 Jim Duke Perspective 0

The public are not aware of psyop operations, therefore are taken by them. One particular one called “Alice in Wonderland” is a CIA torture tactic confusion technique on the public to control the narrative through mainstream sources to replace normal with nonsensical illogical conclusions by subjecting them as straightforward, but [READ MORE]

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WEF Utopia Plan

November 7, 2020 Jim Duke Perspective 0

“I won’t own property, will not have privacy, but will be happy”   Imagine a world where we have to say this? Well according to the World Economic Forum that world is upon us. It is the probable conditioning being put upon citizens for an acceptable environment of digital interface, [READ MORE]

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Proof of a Planned Pandemic

October 4, 2020 Jim Duke Perspective 0

United Nations Agenda 21 was a brainstorm of Maurice Strong. He was an occultist New Age guru who dedicated his estate to the New Age Luciferian agenda, in which its goal is to transform the world. Now you know the purpose of the United Nations? Each year the World Economic [READ MORE]

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The Virus Narrative is Fabricated

August 7, 2020 Jim Duke Perspective 0

The whole narrative of virology spewed on the public has been fabricated and falsely recorded and submitted. The medical journals have articles and entries mostly only allowed by politically motivated participants funded by their very one Foundations and agencies like the NIH that confirm the approved narrative. If people really [READ MORE]

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COVID-19 Fake Pandemic

June 13, 2020 Jim Duke Perspective 0

The #COVID-19 fraud has led to much disinformation and wrongful conclusions as the medical professionals were coaxed into labeling as many cases as possible as COVID related despite conditions. Many cases were written as COVID-19. Cases do NOT indicate actual proof, only as listed. And this determined by observational conclusions, [READ MORE]

Awakening of the Masses through COVID-19 Psyop

Awakening of the Masses through COVID-19 Psyop

May 9, 2020 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Many contradictions question the “plandemic” mandates. Saving lives is the biggest emotional trigger that tugs on the heart of citizens to want to save their fellow person. However, we cannot quarantine for every supposed illness and prevent sickness. If that was the aim, what did we do in previous years [READ MORE]

Depopulation Plan in Action

Depopulation Plan in Action

April 5, 2020 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Do the Elite really think the world is overpopulated? Well, don’t take my word for it, let’s hear what they think from their own mouth. In November 1991, Jacques Cousteau (not the Inspector) gave an interview to the UNESCO Courier, in which he stated that he was in favor of [READ MORE]

Catholic Church and Sodomy

Catholic Church and Sodomy

December 7, 2019 Jim Duke Perspective 0

According to Martin Luther, behind the scenes of Vatican is a secrecy of practicing sodomy. As a whistleblower, Luther said anyone who has been in Rome knows that conditions are unfortunately worse there than anyone can say or believe. The Papal Bull had a decree to decide that a cardinal [READ MORE]

At the Tower of Babel

At the Tower of Babel

December 1, 2019 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Babylon was premised on the agenda for a One World Government outside of God’s rule, in which all peoples would be as one, having one language and one religion, with Nimrod on the throne representing the Sun-god, aka Lucifer the Light-Bearer, the Satan (Adversary) of God. One could assume it [READ MORE]

Secret Societies and Cult Groups have this in common.

Secret Societies and Cult Groups have this in common.

September 14, 2019 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Each progress the initiate to levels of understanding through advancement. They don’t tell you it is furthering your legitimacy, but only to gain more understanding. However, they are considered enlightenment and progression, so in essence, yes they are furthering the validity of your legitimacy. Freemasons call them degrees. Others call [READ MORE]

Zionism A Political Movement

Zionism A Political Movement

August 11, 2019 Jim Duke Perspective 0

The father of modern Zionism is Theodor Herzl, who was considered a “visionary of the State” for forming an organization recognizing establishing a national State of Israel. Now either he was working for God, and Zionism is an act of God for end time prophecy, or it operates in opposition [READ MORE]

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Which Secret Society Is On Top?

August 6, 2019 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Many ask me which Secret Society is top dog. I am going to reveal it here. The Freemasons are well known for their community presence, and also their sketchy secret meaning. Some inside deeply involved have knowledge of esoteric meaning and rituals. Members have a hand in business, law, and [READ MORE]