Remembering the JFK Assassination | podcast

Remembering the JFK Assassination | podcast

November 26, 2022 Jim Duke Perspective 0

A relook at the suspicious JFK assassination with Lee Harvey Oswald that included the actions of Jack Ruby. He will remind of the questionable events and how it led to the derogatory term “conspiracy theory” to discredit those who question the official Warren Commission report. Listen to “Remembering the JFK [READ MORE]

The Great Reset

The Great Reset

December 5, 2020 Jim Duke Perspective 0

“You wont own anything, but you’ll be happy” The WEF (World Economic Forum) has announced its plan for a “Great Reset” driven by the vision of CEO Klaus Schwab that introduce a shift that intends to change how we live, work, and interact with one another. We expose the inside [READ MORE]

COVID-19 Deception and Conspiracy Exposed

COVID-19 Deception and Conspiracy Exposed

May 2, 2020 Jim Duke Perspective 0

An agenda or true concern? We were warned of this extraordinary super flu season with threat of the Wuhan flu, labeled nCOVID-19, then reduced to simply COVID-19. The name since swapped to the more common Coronavirus. This is a cunning deception of switching the description to bait the public into [READ MORE]

False Flags

False Flags

April 25, 2020 Jim Duke Perspective 0

A false flag operation refers to a government operation usually involving Intel agencies, along with top military agents, who agree to participate in an agenda that is developed to get public approval, or to stir tension to justify action. Some would resist such ideas as plausible due to the dependency [READ MORE]

Mystery Babylon and Conspiracy | podcasts

Mystery Babylon and Conspiracy | podcasts

November 29, 2019 Jim Duke Perspective 0

In this episode Jim and his special co-host Julius Rhinehart discuss Mystery Babylon mentioned in Revelation 17 as they analyze various views and speculate their own perspective of the world system and who runs it. We look at the conspiracy over the world and the culprits behind such suspicions. We [READ MORE]

Operation Mockingbird | podcast

Operation Mockingbird | podcast

March 16, 2019 Jim Duke Perspective 0

What is it, and how does it affect society? Operation Mockingbird was a program under the CIA in a joint effort with the media to recruit leading American journalists into a propaganda network of manipulating news media in order to control it for propaganda purposes. How much of it has [READ MORE]

5G Technology Conspiracy

5G Technology Conspiracy

October 8, 2018 Jim Duke Perspective 0

What is 5G and why is it legislated? Trump just ,et with leaders to approve its development and usage. But we have found the devious potential of such technology with a conspiracy to control citizens. And also the dangers it causes that affect human development and nature. Yet government isn’t [READ MORE]

Conspiracy Theories That Are More Than Theory

Conspiracy Theories That Are More Than Theory

June 4, 2018 Jim Duke Perspective 0

We examine the nature of conspiracy and specific conspiracy theories that are more than just theory. Some of the documents have been published, and evidences proving that something more than a mere coincidence of incidents have given fodder for tin-foil hat wearers to gain suspicion. The very discredit of conspiracies [READ MORE]

False Comfort Not Knowing Conspiracy

False Comfort Not Knowing Conspiracy

May 13, 2018 Jim Duke Perspective 0

How can it be that with so much evidence there are still many who trust in what the Press tells them and what the official narrative suggests? They are convinced that the government can help them, even will defy the “Deep State.” Not realizing the government is controlled by the [READ MORE]

How to Detect a False Flag | podcast

How to Detect a False Flag | podcast

March 31, 2018 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Ever hear of a “false flag?” It is a psychological tactic of a scenario staged, plotted, or provoked to blame a party or distract from something in order to deceive the public into believing someone or something else was the blame. This episode explains false flags with examples in society [READ MORE]