How To Identify a Psyops

How To Identify a Psyops

February 15, 2025 Jim Duke Perspective 0

This article shares practical identities of spotting a psyops upon any public event that occurs. This list was compiled from the NCI report distributed online and shown on YouTube. Listen to “How to Identify a Psyops” on Spreaker. “Psyops” is short for Psychological Operation in which a carefully planned scenario [READ MORE]

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Alice in Wonderland Psyop Tactic

December 6, 2020 Jim Duke Perspective 0

The public are not aware of psyop operations, therefore are taken by them. One particular one called “Alice in Wonderland” is a CIA torture tactic confusion technique on the public to control the narrative through mainstream sources to replace normal with nonsensical illogical conclusions by subjecting them as straightforward, but [READ MORE]

Psychological Warfare in 2020 | podcast

Psychological Warfare in 2020 | podcast

July 4, 2020 Jim Duke Perspective 0

In this episode we examine the aspects of psychological warfare, the use of non-conventional weapons of emotional, cognitive, and psychological weapons used to persuade society towards and agenda or mindset. Listen to “Psychological Warfare in 2020” on Spreaker. We will cite some examples and project some scenarios showing where this [READ MORE]

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COVID-19 Fake Pandemic

June 13, 2020 Jim Duke Perspective 0

The #COVID-19 fraud has led to much disinformation and wrongful conclusions as the medical professionals were coaxed into labeling as many cases as possible as COVID related despite conditions. Many cases were written as COVID-19. Cases do NOT indicate actual proof, only as listed. And this determined by observational conclusions, [READ MORE]

Awakening of the Masses through COVID-19 Psyop

Awakening of the Masses through COVID-19 Psyop

May 9, 2020 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Many contradictions question the “plandemic” mandates. Saving lives is the biggest emotional trigger that tugs on the heart of citizens to want to save their fellow person. However, we cannot quarantine for every supposed illness and prevent sickness. If that was the aim, what did we do in previous years [READ MORE]

Greatest Mind Control Device in History

Greatest Mind Control Device in History

July 9, 2018 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Technology is advancing and it is more than just entertainment. We tend to think it was developed for our leisure. But it has a purpose. And you might not like it. Why was television developed? What is the greatest mind control device developed? We will discuss this on this episode. [READ MORE]

How to Detect a False Flag | podcast

How to Detect a False Flag | podcast

March 31, 2018 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Ever hear of a “false flag?” It is a psychological tactic of a scenario staged, plotted, or provoked to blame a party or distract from something in order to deceive the public into believing someone or something else was the blame. This episode explains false flags with examples in society [READ MORE]

A Computer that Can Reprogram Your Brain

A Computer that Can Reprogram Your Brain

November 22, 2016 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Can a computer reprogram your brain? We are under psyops. We will discuss predictive programming and artificial intelligence, and what scientists are working on that may be able to predict your steps before YOU know them. Electronic stimulants that may alter your thinking. DARPA and its research role. And how [READ MORE]