Culture Cancel, Censoring You | podcast

Culture Cancel, Censoring You | podcast

March 27, 2021 Jim Duke Perspective 0

We are under culture persecution with so many offenses being called. Social media is reacting with policing content and screening what it decides is inappropriate to its platform. Does this reflect the majority of society or for an agenda? We will look at the Cancel Culture movement in society to [READ MORE]

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The Virus Narrative is Fabricated

August 7, 2020 Jim Duke Perspective 0

The whole narrative of virology spewed on the public has been fabricated and falsely recorded and submitted. The medical journals have articles and entries mostly only allowed by politically motivated participants funded by their very one Foundations and agencies like the NIH that confirm the approved narrative. If people really [READ MORE]

AI Propaganda Mind Control Technocracy | podcast

AI Propaganda Mind Control Technocracy | podcast

August 20, 2019 Jim Duke Perspective 0

In this episode we discuss the use of AI in manipulating the algorithms to squash information revealing conspiracy by placing the search words in low priority unless coupled with more specific phrases. Modern propaganda using cyber books and libraries rather than physical books and buildings. A campaign has been unleashed [READ MORE]

YouTube will use Wikipedia to combat conspiracy theories

YouTube will use Wikipedia to combat conspiracy theories

March 17, 2018 Jim Duke Perspective 0

The YouTube platform will include links to Wikipedia alongside controversial videos in order to discredit Conspiracy Theories and correct “misinformation.” After videos reached top trending of the Florida Shooting exposing interviewee David Hogg as a “Crisis Actor” and accusing him of being an agent of propaganda, YouTube has proceeded on [READ MORE]

Trump Has Admitted He is a Globalist

Trump Has Admitted He is a Globalist

April 30, 2017 Jim Duke Perspective 0

For some time I have been warning that Trump is appeasing both sides. He campaigned that he is a Nationalist and will put America first to “Make America Great Again.” But he has shown another side as he drafted globalists to his administration, such as billionaire son-in-law Jared Kushner, who [READ MORE]