False Flags

False Flags

April 25, 2020 Jim Duke Perspective 0

A false flag operation refers to a government operation usually involving Intel agencies, along with top military agents, who agree to participate in an agenda that is developed to get public approval, or to stir tension to justify action. Some would resist such ideas as plausible due to the dependency [READ MORE]

How to Detect a False Flag | podcast

How to Detect a False Flag | podcast

March 31, 2018 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Ever hear of a “false flag?” It is a psychological tactic of a scenario staged, plotted, or provoked to blame a party or distract from something in order to deceive the public into believing someone or something else was the blame. This episode explains false flags with examples in society [READ MORE]

The Illuminati Plan Still on Track

The Illuminati Plan Still on Track

June 21, 2019 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Many scoff at the idea of a secret group called the Illuminati. Either they mistakenly believe they banished in 1785, or they deny they exist at all. Some believe the group operates as the Deep State. Others that they are a Shadow Government. Wherever they hide, the truth is that [READ MORE]

JFK Files Disclosed

JFK Files Disclosed

November 5, 2017 Jim Duke Perspective 0

The White House under President Trump released 2,900 or so classified files on 10/26/2017 related to former President John F. Kennedy’s assassination on Nov 22, 1963. Will we see the rest of the papers? In this episode we analyze a few to confirm some of the conspiracy theories that have [READ MORE]

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State of Israel and Motive for 9/11

September 17, 2017 Jim Duke Perspective 0

The suspicion is that Israelis were behind the incident of 9/11. If that is true, then it will follow the motive of a Centralized World government. And Israel would have a motive through its Zionist connection. The Rothschilds have been devising a plan for a Centralized World Government since the [READ MORE]

Weather Manipulation and Man-Made Storms

Weather Manipulation and Man-Made Storms

September 2, 2017 Jim Duke Perspective 0

A question arises of weather manipulation and man-made storms as evidence of patents and experiments have been revealed. The devastation in Texas is a tragedy and our hearts go out to those who have been traumatized. The weather can take horrific turns and cause havoc that we cannot control. This [READ MORE]

Lilly Wave Mind Control Technology

Lilly Wave Mind Control Technology

July 30, 2017 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Several government patents have proven the ability (and desire) to control the brain through electronic mind control techniques. While old fashioned techniques, such as electrodes, are no longer necessary and the target can be targeted via electronic frequencies that manipulate the brain’s water molecules essentially changing the way a person [READ MORE]

September 2015 Climax of events

September 2015 Climax of events

June 6, 2015 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Several events point to a September 2015 climax. Jade Helm 15 comes to an end, the Pope visits Washington and NYC, signs in the sky, and CERN to restart soon. All indicating a time of possible chaos as several sectors converge. JADE HELM 15 September 15 – Training drill ends. [READ MORE]



May 23, 2015 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Exposing the NWO News and information exposing the NWO and Secret Societies, revealing the truth behind the facade. News and information exposing the New World Order agenda and Luciferian conspiracy. Analyzing society from a Christian view. This site provides inside information and provocative topics not heard on general news or [READ MORE]

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What Happened to Conspiracy Theories?

March 17, 2024 Jim Duke Perspective 0

The public seems to be turned off when mentioning something alluding to “conspiracy theory.” Reality is they cannot fathom such suggestions because their mind is not rationalizing that information, so their mind gets into a funk called “cognitive dissonance” where it rejects such suggestions. This is a protective mode that [READ MORE]