Synagogue of Satan | podcast

Synagogue of Satan | podcast

October 23, 2021 Jim Duke Perspective 0

The accusation of Synagogue of Satan gets tossed around at anyone who may be suspected as working for Satan, including the Jews as well as the Catholics. But to whom is this term really referring? We discuss the Knights Templar, Freemasons, and Jesuits claims in this episode while we explore [READ MORE]

Secret Religion of the Elite | podcast

Secret Religion of the Elite | podcast

June 26, 2021 Jim Duke Perspective 0

The Elite may seem unspiritual or irreligious, but do have a code of sorts, a Brotherhood, an occult doctrine they contribute. They don’t worship God of heaven however. They allude to an image of an allegory in which serves as a personification of a god they contrive as a source [READ MORE]

Freemason Inauguration Ritual | podcast

Freemason Inauguration Ritual | podcast

January 23, 2021 Jim Duke Perspective 0

In this episode we reveal the ritual behind the ritual – a Freemasonic ritual that initiates the Presidential candidate into Masonic imagery of Osiris. We explain how politics is an Illuminati office run with rings within rings of Secret Societies Listen to “Freemason Inauguration Ritual” on Spreaker. Q fanatics pointed [READ MORE]

Secret Societies and Cult Groups have this in common.

Secret Societies and Cult Groups have this in common.

September 14, 2019 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Each progress the initiate to levels of understanding through advancement. They don’t tell you it is furthering your legitimacy, but only to gain more understanding. However, they are considered enlightenment and progression, so in essence, yes they are furthering the validity of your legitimacy. Freemasons call them degrees. Others call [READ MORE]

Secret Nature of Secret Societies | podcast

Secret Nature of Secret Societies | podcast

July 21, 2019 Jim Duke Perspective 0

In this episode we explore the characteristics of Secret Societies, what most share, and also the inside secrets that make them well-guarded. Secret Societies have been around since the beginning of time, and they continue as an Elite inner circle of those who consider themselves in the know as worthy [READ MORE]

A History of America’s Founding

A History of America’s Founding

October 21, 2018 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Two dissenting groups came out of England. One were the Puritans, who tolerated the king over the Church of England. The second was the Separatists, who believed the Church of England was corrupt beyond reform and that it could not be repaired. They believed that Jesus only was head of [READ MORE]

Freemasonry Misunderstood Even By Those Within

Freemasonry Misunderstood Even By Those Within

August 1, 2018 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Freemasonry is a semi-secret Society in which its overt outward appearance is known and recognized in communities, while its inner workings are kept secret from outsiders. Hence, it is still considered a Secret Society. The outward appearance is that it is a gentlemen’s gathering club, in which men exchange business [READ MORE]

Secret Meaning of Freemasonry

Secret Meaning of Freemasonry

June 8, 2018 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Many inside will defend their Craft by saying our perception on the outside is off and not truly representing their innocent Gentleman’s Club of “beefsteak dinners and community service.” However, I have found that there are several thoughts on this on why it must be defended that way. For one [READ MORE]

False Comfort Not Knowing Conspiracy

False Comfort Not Knowing Conspiracy

May 13, 2018 Jim Duke Perspective 0

How can it be that with so much evidence there are still many who trust in what the Press tells them and what the official narrative suggests? They are convinced that the government can help them, even will defy the “Deep State.” Not realizing the government is controlled by the [READ MORE]

Freemasons Remain in Darkness

Freemasons Remain in Darkness

May 6, 2018 Jim Duke Perspective 0

When a person is invited and initiated into the Entered Apprentice degree of the Freemason Blue Lodge, he is required to acknowledge that up to that moment, he was in darkness, and that he seeks the light. That means even for the Christian who pledges to this deceptive fraternity, he [READ MORE]

The Structure of Freemasonry

The Structure of Freemasonry

March 18, 2018 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Many Freemasons will argue that their Craft is only a Gentleman’s Club of innocence to promote morality and virtue. However, their own documents prove otherwise. Many wonder how we know more than the initiate taken through the course. My article Why I am Against Freemasonry explains this fully. Here is [READ MORE]

Why I am Opposed to Freemasonry

Why I am Opposed to Freemasonry

March 18, 2018 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Freemasonry is a semi-secret society as it is known and visible to the public. Many important people, from presidents to heads of departments, and prominent businessmen had been Masons. Many of the U.S. founding fathers have been Masons. So they have a reputation. Yet it still holds internal secrets held from [READ MORE]

Luciferian Initiation in Freemasonry

Luciferian Initiation in Freemasonry

March 11, 2018 Jim Duke Perspective 0

The Illuminati is known as the ultimate think-tank for the conspired agenda of a New World Order. It is the initiation into the ideas and instruction for the New World Order under recruit from Secret Societies. One group known for hosting the Illuminati has been the Freemasons. Since the infiltration [READ MORE]

The Illuminati Doctrine

The Illuminati Doctrine

March 11, 2018 Jim Duke Perspective 0

The Illuminati is not a social club or membership organization that outsiders can merely join. Nor is the IlluminatiAm website a true representative of the Ancient Illuminati or even the Bavarian Branch. The Illuminati are those high-level Enlightened bloodlines which contribute to a philosophical ideology of Enlightenment, which is rooted [READ MORE]

The Untold Story Behind Billy Graham

The Untold Story Behind Billy Graham

February 26, 2018 Jim Duke Perspective 0

A prominent icon passed away. Evangelist Billy Graham acquired worldwide popularity considered “America’s Preacher.” From a seminary student to stardom status, he gained a legacy through his work sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ and the Bible to worldwide television audiences, with his “Crusades” across national and international boundaries. Graham [READ MORE]