Kabbalah and Talmud Influence

Kabbalah and Talmud Influence

August 29, 2020 Jim Duke Perspective 0

The mystery and claim of the Kabbalah leads to much confusion. The idea is that Kabbalah proves that those of Secret Societies who regard such must be Jewish since the Jews have the claim of Kabbalah by their rabbis and from the source it claims. Kabbalah means “to receive and [READ MORE]

Theosophy and Helena Blavatsky | podcast

Theosophy and Helena Blavatsky | podcast

February 8, 2020 Jim Duke Perspective 0

In this episode we explore the influence of this modern day mystic occultist Helena Blavatsky that may be responsible for the New Age, current policies of the United Nations, and even infiltration of the Christian faith. Theosophy is a philosophy adopted by politicians, dignitaries, and leaders who have a say [READ MORE]

Christian Conversion | podcast

Christian Conversion | podcast

November 9, 2019 Jim Duke Perspective 0

The recent announcement of Kanye West’s conversion to Christianity has led to much controversy. This episode describes the Christian conversion and differentiates the perception of conversion with a true identity with Jesus Christ. The claim of Christian has become fashionable with so many celebrities converting to Christianity. But the meaning [READ MORE]

The Reign of Lucifer

The Reign of Lucifer

July 13, 2019 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Scripture tells us of a guardian Chief cherub of God (Ezek 28). In his pride, he became Adversary of God (Satan) who rebelled against him to challenge his authority and fell from his position in heaven. In Genesis 3 his influence through the Serpent tempted mankind through Eve in the [READ MORE]

Science Is Different Than Faith

Science Is Different Than Faith

June 8, 2019 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Science can determine the working of nature, chemical and biological information and what is present that are testable and knowable. However, it still cannot provide evidence and reason for creation without making a claim against it of our origins by jumping to assumption and its own presumed conclusions based on [READ MORE]

Mother Goddess Worship | podcast

Mother Goddess Worship | podcast

May 18, 2019 Jim Duke Perspective 0

In this episode we explore the meaning of mother worship and why it has been passed down from ancient origins. The pagans believed in it, the Egyptians, and Babylonians. The tradition passed onto other cultures in many forms. But it involves witchcraft, Sun Worship, Mother Nature, Earth Worship, and magick [READ MORE]

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About the Sacred Name Claim

February 26, 2019 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Sacred name argument is a facade and distraction. Mostly coming into the modern day since 1937 by an enthusiastic OC Dodd who envied the Seventh Day Adventists with its exclusive Sabbath message, and the Jehovah Witness and their exclusive claim of the proper name (Englishized from Yahweh) to start the [READ MORE]

Vatican Satanism | podcast

Vatican Satanism | podcast

December 11, 2018 Jim Duke Perspective 0

This episode the panel discusses accusations by insiders of Satanism practiced in the Vatican, the head of the Holy Roman Church. We will address the practices and sex scandals and how it relates, as well as some of the eerie imagery surrounding Vatican that few question. The Jesuits run the [READ MORE]

Satanism is Fashionable, Jesuits in Supreme Court

Satanism is Fashionable, Jesuits in Supreme Court

October 22, 2018 Jim Duke Perspective 0

The panel discusses Kavanaugh and Trump’s Jesuit connections. We also look at Satanism in society and as a fashionable statement. And how Halloween celebrates darkness and participation allies with the occult worshippers. Vatican enthrones Satan in 1963 by a claim of Fr. Malachi Martin. The support for Kavanaugh, and Trump [READ MORE]

Satanism Doesn’t Mean Worship of Satan

Satanism Doesn’t Mean Worship of Satan

September 15, 2018 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Many equate worshipping Satan, or the essence of Satanism to have a belief in an entity, a character known as Satan or the devil. They believe Satanism is blatant and obvious use of Black Magic and participating in human sacrifice rituals. While those are extreme expressions of darkness and evil [READ MORE]

Fake Jesus

Fake Jesus

March 10, 2018 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Which Jesus do you know? There are variations of Jesus according to which group you have been associated with. A Freemason Jesus, a New Age Jesus, a Catholic Jesus, even an ecumenical Jesus. However, there is only one true Jesus. The others are a fake Jesus. Your browser does not [READ MORE]

Zionists Are Not All Jews

Zionists Are Not All Jews

March 10, 2018 Jim Duke Perspective 0

The Zionist Movement is misunderstood by Truthers as a Jewish organization. But it is not just Jewish and goes beyond Jewish bloodline. It may be based upon Judaism, however to be more specific Kabbalah occultism, but can be considered secular and has no real loyalty to the Jews. The symbol [READ MORE]

The Untold Story Behind Billy Graham

The Untold Story Behind Billy Graham

February 26, 2018 Jim Duke Perspective 0

A prominent icon passed away. Evangelist Billy Graham acquired worldwide popularity considered “America’s Preacher.” From a seminary student to stardom status, he gained a legacy through his work sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ and the Bible to worldwide television audiences, with his “Crusades” across national and international boundaries. Graham [READ MORE]