Ghislaine Maxwell and Aleister Crowley

Ghislaine Maxwell and Aleister Crowley

January 8, 2022 Jim Duke Perspective 0

You may think this a far reaching connection made, but hear me out. I share similarities with them and the Illuminati who use sexual abuse for enticement and bribery, as well as Elite rituals. The operation of Jeffrey Epstein’s resort and Ghislaine Maxwell’s role certainly have used the same tactics [READ MORE]

Great American Rebellion | podcast

Great American Rebellion | podcast

November 20, 2021 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Indications that America is starting to get tired of the pandemic. Some are fighting back. Also we explain how Christian truthers should conduct themselves in the fear of the Great Reset, NWO, and agenda upon the citizens of the world. Listen to “Great American Rebellion” on Spreaker. Appeals Court Re-affirms [READ MORE]

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The Core COVID Truth

April 6, 2021 Jim Duke Perspective 0

It has been confirmed by data EVERYTHING is now categorized as COVID if they can manage a positive result involved. Heck even if they can’t, but symptoms are similar. That is how this has become a pandemic. And how they packed the numbers. It has become a pandemic because Bill [READ MORE]

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Signs of COVID Fear

January 1, 2021 Jim Duke Perspective 0

When you believe that wearing a mask with screening of .30 microns can prevent a virus of .125 microns from exiting or entering. When you wear a mask for hours breathing in your own CO2 and creating an environment petri-dish for bacteria to breed. When you wear a mask even [READ MORE]

Gratitude in Crisis

Gratitude in Crisis

December 5, 2020 Jim Duke Perspective 0

The premise of this episode was to highlight the current crisis and then to illustrate how despite it we can still have gratitude towards God because our reliance is not upon this world itself. Listen to “Gratitude In Crisis” on Spreaker. In this episode we discuss the election and voter [READ MORE]

COVID Lies and Propaganda | podcast

COVID Lies and Propaganda | podcast

September 12, 2020 Jim Duke Perspective 0

We continue the COVID saga this time exposing its propaganda. The CDC recently backed off its guidelines and also updated its stats using numbers of confirmed COVID cases specifically. Reduced greatly from the stated 153,000 to only 9,210. We will look at the propaganda of fabricated numbers and possible threats [READ MORE]

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The Virus Narrative is Fabricated

August 7, 2020 Jim Duke Perspective 0

The whole narrative of virology spewed on the public has been fabricated and falsely recorded and submitted. The medical journals have articles and entries mostly only allowed by politically motivated participants funded by their very one Foundations and agencies like the NIH that confirm the approved narrative. If people really [READ MORE]

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COVID-19 Fake Pandemic

June 13, 2020 Jim Duke Perspective 0

The #COVID-19 fraud has led to much disinformation and wrongful conclusions as the medical professionals were coaxed into labeling as many cases as possible as COVID related despite conditions. Many cases were written as COVID-19. Cases do NOT indicate actual proof, only as listed. And this determined by observational conclusions, [READ MORE]

Vaccine Surveillance and Monitoring | podcast

Vaccine Surveillance and Monitoring | podcast

June 7, 2020 Jim Duke Perspective 0

In this episode we share related technology and developments for usage of vaccines and microchipping, surveillance, and injection of monitoring mechanisms for the New World Order. We look at microchip technology, LUCIFERase delivery injection into our DNA for digital micro needles embedded in our skin, Biometric ID, and Digital Certificates. [READ MORE]